Icon Sustainability

Sustainability and PROFIMAT®

Recycled rubber granulate: one of the most sustainable raw materials in the world.

Our products are made from 100% recycled rubber granulate. Old tyres are thus given a new lease of life. Even after use, PROFIMAT® products can be recycled again and made into other products.

CO2 savings

In Germany alone, 400,000 t of CO2 can be saved annually through the use of used tyre granulates.

Short transport routes to customers and end users

Our products are produced in Salzwedel, Germany. We have short transport routes to building and specialist markets, which again saves CO2. A big advantage over cheap products from the Far East.

Member of the NEW LIFE Initiative

The declared aim of this campaign is to show the media, politicians and the general public the advantages of recycling products made from end-of-life tyres (ELT) and to motivate them to act sustainably. You can find more information at www.initiative-new-life.de

Product optimisation and process optimisation
in terms of environmental protection

We are fully aware that sustainable growth is only possible if we meet our obligations and responsibilities with regard to environmental protection. We are therefore continuously working to make our products and manufacturing processes even more environmentally friendly.